- Prayer Letters
- Postcards
- Brochures
- Fund Appeals
- Christmas / Holiday
- Thank You Cards
Postcards are a great way to share a quick photo and update and stay in touch with ministry partners. Postcards can be printed on any color of cardstock, including glossy white cardstock.
While the cost of cutting your postcards is built in, there is a $2 minimum cutting fee for less than 100 postcards.
At any time during the year we're happy to help with a fund appeal letter. You can choose to send a general fund appeal to all of your partners or several different letters to several groups. We are happy to mail-merge a greeting or other information. We can include #9 response envelopes (with or without stamps) along with a response slip or Cru giving envelopes.
For mail merged letters we ask you to allow an extra day for processing.
If you're interested in sending an End-of-the-Year Ask, we ask you to contact us in early November. Since these orders are personalized, we suggest several weeks to allow for communication and processing of these letters to get them in the mail right before Thanksgiving. You may want to use themed papers/envelopes for this fund appeal letter, which require advanced planning.
We are able to help you with all or part of this process. We are happy to mail any of the following items directly to you. Prices reflect the cost of an item if ordered a la carte.
- Adding a personalized greeting to each letter for $.15/letter.
- A set of mailing envelopes with the return address only or the return address and mailing address for $.19/envelope + cost for postage, if stamped.
- A set of #9 response envelopes with your mailing address for $.15/envelope. If stamped, include the cost of postage.
- A set of Cru giving envelopes with your name and account number for $.15/envelope. If stamped, include the cost of postage.
- Response slips for around $.09 each (for 3/sheet) with color printing or $.06 each (for 3/sheet) with b/w printing + $2.00 minimum charge for cutting.
- A set of stamps at the current rate for 1st class postage.
- A set of white or clear labels with your mailing list addresses.
Please contact us to let us know how we can help you.
We are happy to mail Christmas letters or cards for you. This is the only time of the year we strongly encourage you to follow a deadline and submit your order on December 1st (or sooner)!
We can print a letter you create, print your text on a themed holiday paper, print your signature on a holiday greeting card or process photo cards for you.
If you'd like to send a letter on themed holiday paper or send holiday greeting cards, we recommend you purchase these items online and have the product mailed directly to us. You will find a good selection at Desktop Publishing Supplies, DaySpring, Current, and Christian Book Distributors. We must have your letter and the cards/paper in our office the first week of December to guarantee we’ll be able to get these in the mail before Christmas. Any letters we receive after this date may not reach ministry partners before Christmas. (We can also order holiday items for you if you let us know what you’d like.)
We often recommend the Astrobright Gamma green and Re-entry red envelopes at this time of the year as these colors match many of the themed holiday letterhead. We have these envelopes in stock, so there is no need to ship these to us.
We're also happy to mail photo cards to your friends and family during the holidays. Please order the photo cards online and have them mailed directly to us. The cost of $1.08/photo card covers the cost to print addresses on the envelope; and hand stuff, hand seal and hand stamp each piece with first class postage.
During the months of November and December the turn-around time to get your order processed can be 3-4 days, rather than the typical 2 day turn-around time, especially if there are inserts or the letter is mail-merged.
We are happy to hand stamp religious or non-religious holiday stamps for these orders for an upgrade charge of $.04 more per letter.
Holiday inserts:
During the holidays you may want to include a family photo with your letter. We're happy to insert photos at any time. For the quickest turn-around time, we ask that you mail us the photos ready to be inserted. We encourage you to order these online and have them mailed directly to our office. If this just isn't possible, we're happy to receive an emailed .jpg file from you and have the prints made locally. Please allow 2-3 extra days to process your order.
Printing your signature in a greeting card | From $1.24/Letter |
Processing photo cards | From $1.08/Card |
We are happy to print and mail Thank you cards to all or a select group of your ministry partners. We can also print the cards and mail them to you.
You may prefer a larger card or a smaller card with your own photo and message.
The larger Thank You card | From $1.52/Card |
The smaller Thank You card | From $1.37/Card |